You’re invited to ERS’s biggest party of the year! Join us at Tribeca Rooftop on  Monay, April 21 to celebrate our honorees and toast to the centenary of The Great Gatsby. The evening begins at 7 PM with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres on the roof overlooking the Hudson River at sunset. Guests will then enjoy a decadent sit-down dinner, live entertainment, and a tribute to the evening’s honorees. A brief live auction will feature one-of-a-kind and experiential packages unique to ERS.



Tribeca Rooftop – 2 Desbrosses Street, New York NY

Monday,  April 21 at 7 PM

Dress Code: Cocktail Attire




  • •VIP table (12 tickets) placed directly in front of stage, with option to have guest artists seated at table.
  • •Committee member or corporate sponsorship listing, name or link and logo inclusion on gala website, and other promotional and press materials.
  • •Full-page ad and sponsorship listing in event program 
  • •Opportunity for photos with honorees

$15,000 GOLD TABLE

  • •Table (12 tickets) with premium seating, with option to have guest artists seated at table.
  • •Committee or corporate sponsorship listing, link and logo inclusion on Gala website, and other promotional and press materials.
  • •Half-page ad in event program


  • •Table (10 tickets) with prime seating, with option to have guest artists seated at table.
  • •Committee or corporate sponsorship listing in event program and website.
  • •Quarter-page ad in event program.


  • •Table (10 tickets), with option to have guest artists seated at table.
  • •Committee or corporate sponsorship listing in event program and website.


Angel – $2,500 premium seating • Purchase two tickets at this level to join our gala committee.

Patron – $1,000 prime seating

Friend – $500

Sponsor – $250  • Sponsor an ERS company member to attend the event!


Prefer to pay by check? No problem! Checks can be sent to 47 Great Jones Street, 3rd Floor, New York NY 10012.

Please contact ERS Production and Administration Associate Becky Hermenze at with any questions.


Unable to attend? Please consider making a donation, or sponsoring an ERS company member to attend the gala.

You can also show your support by purchasing an ad in the gala program to share a congratulatory message to our honorees or promote your business or event. Learn more about purchasing ad space here, or by emailing





Blake Hazard is one of three trustees representing the Estates of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, her great-grandparents. She helps with both the literary and the licensing sides of their legacy. Blake was born in Vermont and attended Sarah Lawrence and Harvard. As a musician, she has toured and made records as one half of the indie-pop duo The Submarines, who have licensed their songs extensively for film and television. She recently became an attorney and is currently focused on creative projects and working on behalf of her family. She’s a genuine fan of GATZ and couldn’t be more pleased to help celebrate Elevator Repair Service, and The Great Gatsby’s 100th birthday.



Eleanor Lanahan has been a trustee of the estate of F. Scott Fitzgerald since 1987, a stewardship that was previously held by her mother, Scottie Fitzgerald Smith, daughter of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. She has been involved in the arts since attending Rhode Island School of Design; as an illustrator of books; as the biographer of her mother, Scottie, the daughter of…, (Harper Collins); as the producer of Zelda, An Illustrated Life (Harry Abrams); and as the editor of The Paper Dolls of Zelda Fitzgerald (Scribner). Her work as a filmmaker includes a series of animated shorts and a documentary feature. Currently, Eleanor is writing and illustrating a tale that includes a tincture of wisdom about getting along with each other.

Eleanor says, “For decades, it was believed there could not be a faithful or lyrical theatrical production of The Great Gatsby, largely because Scott’s prose could not be compressed into dialogue. Elevator Repair Service has brought us a brilliant production that includes every beautiful word.” Eleanor is honored to have a small role in ERS’s work, even from the wings.



Robert A. Wilson, Jr.  joined Select Equity Group, L.P. in September 1998, nine months into the Off-Broadway run of Shakespeare’s R&J, where he understudied three of the four actors until the show closed the following year. It wasn’t long before collaborating in the corporate world took hold and he became a lead member of Select Equity’s Client Service team. In 2006 he was given the opportunity to take a major pivot in the firm and become the Executive Director of the Select Equity Group Foundation, a 100% inclusive, democratic, and employee-lead corporate foundation. Within this position he has had the privilege of staying connected to the arts in NYC in a way he had never imagined, including serving 12 years as an ERS board member. He strongly believes that if you work or live in NYC you have an obligation to give back to the arts in whatever way possible.

The Select Equity Group Foundation has been practicing inclusive, democratic grant-making since inception in 2000. The Foundation was created to empower Select Equity Group, L.P. employees to effect positive change in the world, giving them the opportunity to tackle issues that they feel strongly about and that are often informed by their own experiences. Our giving is not limited to a single vision, or sector, and should reflect the cares, concerns, and passions of our entire community.



ERS Board of Directors

Bill Stasiulatis (Chair)
Kenneth Cera (Vice Chair)
Zoe E. Rotter (Vice Chair)
Lucy Mallett (Treasurer)
John Collins (President)
Arthur Aufses
Clay Ballard
Steve Bodow
Doug Curtis
Susan Eddy
David Gilbert
John Kim
Fritz Michel
Greig Sargeant
Anne Stringfield
Robert A. Wilson, Jr.



Corporate Sponsors



Proceeds from the gala will support ERS’s mission – your contributions directly support ERS’s operations, artists, the creation of new, ensemble-driven works for the stage.

Elevator Repair Service Theater, Inc. is recognized under the Internal Revenue Service Code 501(c)(3) as a not-for-profit organization, and therefore donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. **Some lots won at auction may not be fully tax-deductible. Program ads are not tax-deductible. The tax-deductible amount of tickets is the amount paid that is greater than $235 per ticket.

Graphic Design by Quincy Confoy