Total Fictional Lie
Inspired by the gestural and verbal haplessness of documentary-film subjects, Total Fictional Lie is a reeling conglomeration of speech and dance that, like a piece of music, makes a formally coherent, intuitive kind of sense. ERS’s eighth original piece, Total Fictional Lie is an absurdist and dance-heavy look at sales and marketing. The show’s speeches and dialogue are taken verbatim from some famous and not-so-famous documentary films and its choreography developed from the awkwardly presentational body language of the films’ camera-shy subjects.
Art in America February 1998
The Theater Of Danger
The Village Voice November 3, 1998
Zombie Aerobics
The New York Times October 26, 1998
Now The Uncool Are The Coolest Of All
Die Welt September 10, 1998
Frenetic Applause For Paul's Wiggling Feet (English Translation)
Die Welt September 10, 1998
Frenetischer Applaus Für Pauls Zappelnde Füße
taz September 10, 1998
True Dada (English Translation)
taz September 10, 1998
Echt Dada
- Leslie Buxbaum
- Robert Cucuzza
- Rinne Groff
- Scott Shepherd
- Susie Sokol
- Tory Vazquez
- Colleen Werthmann
James Hannaham originated the role played by Robert Cucuzza.
- Director John Collins and Steve Bodow
- Lighting Designer Clay Shirky
- Sound Designer Blake Koh
- Choreographer Katherine Profeta, ERS
- Costume Designer Colleen Werthmann
- Stage Manager Zoe E. Rotter